Departure Information Arrival


Travel preparation, veterinarian & documents
PetAirport Assistance

Veterinarian Q&A?

Questions & Answers
Why do I need to go to the vet for travelling with my animal?

Wherever you travel to, by road or by airline, countries may require an import permit, an export certificate, they will want to see your animal is healthy and legaly enough for entering the country of destination. It is best to have your export documents done by an export vet with experience and not any local vet. Documents can be very intricate and complex. You cannot fly your pet(s) without health visits, an obligation for the airline. Book your flight with the PetDesk

What type of export certificate is required?

Many countries have different type of certificates. A general export certificate is good for 65% of all destinations, but some require much more such as Australia, New Zealand and many others. These are 5 to ten pages lone. All flights entering Europe from non-EU countries will require the EU export certificate. Do not take a chance, as once arrival to your airport destinatino things can become quite an issue, even the pet being sent back. Get your docs checked by our PetDesk affiliates.

DO I need a helath certificate for my chosen airline?

Yes any flight you take, you must have a health certifiate. This can even be a simple page. The pet must show he is healthy and fit to travel. This is required for going and coming back. Do not beleive you only need for the going flight if you are going on holiday.