Internet scams for pet sales and transport has taken another increase this last month again. Please check the following items to insure it is a scam; 1. If the person selling or giving you the pet/puppy/kittens asks you to do a Western Union transfer or via Moneygram. No pet transfers are done by cash transfers. 2. Check the email from the seller, no transport companies uses gmail or regular emails, is the only way to properly check. 3. Review our policy on pet scams [ [url=]Petscams[/url] ] 4. If you interested in purchasing a pet or someone gives it to you, travel to see it is the only way. Verify the puppy or kitten, and then contact us, we will arrange the right documents, the passenger flights for you to go see it and then come back with the animal in the right conditions. All these steps provided will hepl you not be be scammed by internet. Team REX
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